Due North
The Federation has published a regular journal since 1975. Until 1998 this was Ulster Local Studies, followed by Due North, the first issue of which was published in October 1999. Due to the restructuring of the Federation following the withdrawal of state funding in 2007 the production was temporarily interrupted. However publication was resumed by the launch of a new edition on 4 September 2008. The latest edition was launched in November 2017.
Individual copies of the journal are available for purchase from the address on the side panel. Order Form here.
The Federation is pleased to provide on a single disk the complete run of the journal from 1999 to 2013. The CD will be updated each year with the latest edition. It is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in local history with its wealth of articles and advice on how to identify local and other sources of information. It contains valuable sources of advice to local historians and points to helpful resources locally, regionally and further afield. There are a wide range of articles about places, people, buildings and events from the distant to the recent past, essentially from the local perspective. In its Reviews sections, a large number of publications are reviewed demonstrating the breadth and scope of local scholarship. The price of the CD is £11 – €15 (including postage), from the Federation’s Registered Office (on Home Page). There is a complete index of the articles by journal. These have been further broken down by subject. You can browse these from the side menu.
The Editor, Johnny Dooher, is keen to receive articles from societies and individuals and would ask societies to publicise this among their membership. He would also welcome reports about interesting projects or field trips undertaken by members, with photographs where available. Material should be sent to him at johndooher@btinternet.com, or posted to the Federation’s Registered address on the Home page.